become a sponsor


Mustache Sponshorship Form

Please fill out and submit the form below.
We will contact you to discuss your sponshorship.

For more information about sponsorships, please contact our Executive Director.

Fact Sheet

Who We Are

Founded in 2009 – The 610 Stompers are an all-male dance organization with a mission of giving back to the community through dance and entertainment. Eighty-five members strong, we are "Ordinary Men" of all ages and professions dedicated to entertaining the world with our "Extraordinary Moves." We are featured performers in many parades, professional sporting events, fundraisers, and special events in the New Orleans area and (soon) the world.

What We Do

* Throughout the 2010 – 2011 season the 610 stompers have raised over $100,000. *

Support the Stompers and our Charitable Efforts

The 610 Stompers do more than simply entertain. We are committed to giving back to our community by promoting, participating in and contributing to charitable endeavors that benefit worthy causes in our community and beyond. Our sponsors are integral to this commitment and we ask that you consider becoming part of those efforts.

Get Involved

Go online to to find out about our upcoming local charitable events and come out to support these great organizations and the 610 Stompers.

Contact Information
610 Stompers Inc.
PO BOX 1361
Metairie, LA, 70004